Pineapple Fruit Cake
Heat oven to 180 deg C
Line a large cake tin. (Size : 20 cm square tin) or use two small tins
1 can (abt 250-300 gm drained weight) of pineapple rings (squeeze the syrup) and cut into small pieces
375 gm mixed fruits (the weight of a box) * soak in 5 tablespoons of brandy 3 days before baking. Keep in refigerator till needed
100 gm brown sugar (the light brown one like castor sugar)
150 gm butter
Put all the above into a pot and cook over low fire till sugar and butter melt. Leave to cool.
Then add:
2 large eggs
250 gm self-raising flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
Mix well. (see? no need beating or anything like that) Bake in 180 deg C oven for 1 hour. Test with a satay stick. If it comes out clean, then cake is baked. Remove from oven and drizzle with 3 tablespoon of brandy while the cake is still hot. Cake tastes best if left for a day or two, wrapped with aluminium foil. Do not attempt to cut the cake while it is still fresh because it will crumble. Wrapping it in aluminium foil and soak in brandy will make the cake moist and smells heavenly.
In place of brandy, one can use orange juice. However, the cake will not keep well.
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